Saturday, July 07, 2007

Life takes a new turn

And Mom saw that Everyman was all alone and decided that it was not right. She ( and dad too, to a lesser extent) decided that it was time to find Everyman a companion.

Before I stepped on to the flight from Riyadh in April, I had a strong feeling that I would not come back without a pending change in status. I tried to fight it too-but not too much. I was not having any success at all finding someone on my own. Any girl that I even remotely liked ( and there were many :-D) was already taken. And whatever little chances I had were cruelly annihiliated when my company sent me to this barren land. Perhaps it was time to actually start to mingle. Yet, I ensured that I would not be home for too long. Ten days was all that I gave for staying at home. But then, God made the whole world in seven days. For my folks, ten days was more than enough.

Bride watching has got to be the most embarassing activity in the average single Indian's life-cycle. It doesnt matter nowadays if you are male or female. You see a lot of smiling faces, strangers suddenly trying to like you, trust me, it's quite odd.

The first girl I saw was actually quite cute. But I didnt get to ask her the usual "where do you study?" "Can you sing" type of questions. Reason: she was doing most of the talking. I ended up spending most of the time nodding my head sagely. My mom was pretty hopeful of this one working out. When it didnt, she had a strong suspicion that it was because I had told her about my ex-girl. And even though i tried to explain that this girl had said that she wasnt ready for marriage, mom wasnt very convinced.

I thought that would have been it. But I was wrong. Turns out that there was another proposal waiting in the wings already! So off they took me on another car journey. And this was a journey that I would undertake a few times more.

I've always wondered how one could make a life-altering decision in a day, or sometimes, in even less time than that. Do we say yes out of indecision, desperation or out of sheer impulse. I didnt make my decision in a day. She certainly is not someone I share a 'wavelength' with. She finds my Malayalam very funny and I am yet to see her use English. She has never really stepped out of Kerala and I have not really stepped in. There's a big cultural chasm. And I thought whether that would make a difference. I figured that I didnt want someone I could discuss movies, blogging, books or music with. All these were things I enjoyed at a personal level. And as for those things where I needed company, I had my friends. What I wanted was someone whom I would like being with, and someone who would like being with me in return. And no, it wasn't love at first sight..but now, around three months later, I think I am getting there.

And so life takes a new turn..


Me said...


Jay Jay said...

i seriously reccomend it coz it helps at all times in so many ways

Anonymous said...

:-) congrats shain.

Macabreday said...

yooo hooo.....!!
really well written shain...esp the last para....ur bang on..!! so yea, do keep us updated.

Riaan Roving said...

ahhh...finally everyman will stop chasing every girl :D !!!...congo man !!

claytonia vices said...

nice post :)

Sumo said...

OK...thats one guy removed from the competition.

But seriously, congrats dude!!! It's good to know tht u r finally getting there. Maybe u can take her out of Kerala and she can properly introduce her to Kerala.

Everyman said...

@Me, 3inone & Vikki - Thanks!

@Jayjay - Good to see you here! And it's encouraging to see you vouching for it :-)

@Mac - I sincerely hope I am somewhere near bang on..else she and I are in for a looong tough ride :-D

@Riaan - I never chased every woman...just about every SECOND woman

@ Sumo - I was never in the same age category!!! So no question of me being one bachelor less!!

Anonymous said...

*drumming fingers on the table top furiously*

Everyman said...


Lol Kutty!! It's comin soon!!




Nandhu said...

okk. congrats, which i told you. and as always well written too!
have u told her about your various crushes ( that should take time) and ur exes.

Anonymous said...

wouldn't have understood your post without mac's musings. so there, a belated congrats

The Lad said...

hey congrats....loved the last part..where u describe what imp in life partner...likin being with each other...right on

The Penny Lane said...

really happy for u buddy :)
Just back from my Kerala trip.
What a Beautiful place and it gets even better cos of the people. Among the warmest and nicest lot i ever came across! Truly enchanted!

Anonymous said...

cute :)

wildflower said...

arranged marriages can also work out, very well!

n the last para, is absly beautiful :)

Grey Shades said...

Way to go buddy! All the best for a future that I'm told is quite interesting :)

Nisha said...

nice post..and i guess 'everyman' who is/was 'arranged' shares the same experience :)

Anonymous said...

hey, good to hear you have closed in; quite difficult to do that.
:-( one heart break. I must confess, I had a kutti crush on you, after seeing your blogs and posts.
anyway, good luck...hope you are happy making your choice.

Everyman said...

@All of you -Thanks for your feels so good to hear a note of congrats for sthing that's happenin in your personal life..Congrats are so hard to come by in office :-D

@Wildflower & Nisha - Thanks for dropping by..I blush at the compliment

@ Anon - Aah..i blush more..alas! your confession has come a tad late :-D For the past few years I'd been waitin for someone to have a crush on had always been the other way having a crush on almost anyone who!! And now when you come along, it's late!! Damn! :-D Hope you keep reading my blogs though..

Anonymous said...

will read.