Tuesday, February 13, 2007

All My Valentines

A colleaugue of mine was browsing the net for a boquet of roses to send to someone very special across the miles..And then i realised that tomorrow was the 14th of Feb! The day when you start seeing pink or red ( depending on what love means to you) all around you..Roses spring up all around you, heart shaped* balloons hover around you. Well, this is what the "capitalistic forces" would want you to see some cynics would say..

I told my colleague that he shouldn't be waiting till Valentine's to be sending flowers to his woman. After all, tomorrow is when women normally receive flowers! They'd probably love it more if it came as a suprise. And there was nothing suprising about sending flowers on Valentine's - you are expected to do that! " Aah! but, you have to meet expectations as well!!" quipped my hooked colleague. I had no answer to that.

There was just one time, when I really had a Valentine. This was 2003. But then too, it wasnt your normal Valentine's day. I was in Mumbai and she was in Bangalore..but i remember that she sent me 3-4 cards in succession. As for the rest of the Valentine days that I have seen pass me by, they've been pretty uneventful - no dates, no flowers, no chocolates, the odd card yes..but nothing that you usually see in the movies or hear about from the people around you.
And this year, in Riyadh, I dont even feel anything in the air - no roses, no balloons, nothing..the atmosphere is bleak. There was a slight chance that things might have been different, but that didn't work out, I was a little late, by around two years I guess. But that's not what this post is about.

I dont really believe what people say about who all can be your Valentine..you can express your love for your parents, your siblings, friends etc etc they say..I dont really believe that..Let's face it, your Valentine can be just one kind of a person - the kind you (am at a loss for words here)..i donno..wanna go out with, wanna be with..you get my drift!

I am very single, but there are a few women I'd have loved to wish, send some flowers, and ask out on a date tomorrow. Here they are in random order

- The girl in the front row in my 3rd grade
- Two young nurses who shared our apartment when I was in high school ( nothing much happened..My mom was around too :-( )
- The girl with a cute ponytail in the 8th grade when i was in the 9th
- The Goan girl who was in my Catechism class in '92. Am sure she'd be looking gorgeous now.
- The girl who once was, and now is someone else's ; AND....
- The girl who could have been

To all you special people in the list above on whom I've had either a crush on you or something much more ---



*imagine if a balloon looked like what a heart really looked like..Yeuck!


Macabreday said...

ahhh...everyman....NURSES ehhh.. :) lol
and u know...i agree with you on the fact that Val day should be used to express ur love not just to ur partner... it can be to anyone you love....and i believe that u can use the words, "i love you" not just for ur partner....it probably has the same effect on ur friends, parents, brothers/sisters and who else...
and hey........I LOVE YOU :) ha ha

Me said...

Personally, I am against Valentine's Day. The boy and I are anti-valentiners but I agree with you that it shouldn't be limited to just your partner but to friends, family everyone...So here's to the only Valentine's wish that I am sending out - happy valentines Shain

3inone said...

:-) Okay, I'm probably not as bright as I used to be, but I got the feeling shain thinks valentine's only for lovers... or did I get it wrong? Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day Shain!! And here's a wish that you find that special someone this year!
@mac & me - HVD to u 2!!


WE spent last Valentines day together! we had a date!


yaya, happy V-day and al that..

Me said...

oops...3inone is right!!! I just want back and read again.
Ok shain, I don't agree with you. I thnk Valentines should be for anybody, in humble opinion but here's to you finding that one kind of a person this year!

Everyman said...

At last!! 3inone!! Thanks for reading that right..:-) Div and 'me'(u gotta change that nick u know, 'me' its getting confusing!!) u probably disagree..but thats what i feel..of course u can love everybody..u can love the whole wide world..thats what we are sposed to be doin...but this day is apparently for lovers i guess..they are just trying to sell more cards and flowers by including your father, mother, grandparents, your pet dog etc

I am not for celebrating Valentine's really..that's what i was tryin to tell my colleague..but this is just like any other festival almost..why remember Christ only during Christmas? And why remember the triumph of good over evil only on Dusshera??

Everyman said...

And now that the confusion is cleared..

@Mac/ Div - yes buddy..the two nurses..*sigh* trust me, if u had seen them..u'd go weak in ur knees too..yes..even now! and yea bud..me love u too..umma! (or in a more English way..MUAAH!) LoRRL!!

@Me - Gee thanks for the wish!! Anti-valentiners? in the sense that u dont believe in the day? thats ok..as long as he sends u flowers some time during the year ;-D

@3inone - Obviously, u are STILL as bright as u used to be! ;-) guess i shd be clearer in writing..or heck..why shd i..what is they say abt great writing? that it shd be open to interpretation?? and thanks for the wish - here's hoping that i do indeed..but i donno abt this year..considerin i am spendin it u know where!

@Appu - Aah yes..a date! all those :-((((((((( would make my readers wonder what went wrong that evening :-)) ..People..she's just missing me!! I dint do anything wrong!!

@Me & 3inone again - Even if I dont find that one kind of a person, its ok..I'd be happier if she'd find me instead :-DD wd save some effort, no??

3inone said...

(blush, blush) what is all this loving all in open and 'muuah'ing and 'umma'ing and all?? and thinking naughty items about paavum nurses also going on. usshho, i don't know about these young men nowadays -very very difrent when i was in MCC;-)

Dex said...

There was a certain M Phil Mizo babe in college that you should have included in your list.
From what I remember, you had quite a crush on her (Smack me if i am wrong)... Hee!

Riaan Roving said...

well apparently you had some pretty good chicks in ur school!!!.... :)

Everyman said...

@3inone - Me&Mac are as straight as they come!! it's just that we believe in universal brotherhood and peace for all :-) As for the nurses..*sigh*............

@JJ - Man!! How could i forget her??? But hey, she wasnt a crush u know..she was more like a siren..so no smack for u ..lol!

@Riaan -yup..there were some in school, but more outside it..unfortunately..i never ended up speaking to many at that age..

The Penny Lane said...

Your colleague browsing the net...across the miles? That spells Divyan to me. I swear! ask him! I cant help but laugh at him :P
Yeah I got ur Drift...I have no qualms. V day is for friends lovers, parents...who cares? :)Incidentally, I woke up on 14th and decided to make it eventful though...Had a nice time with girlfriends...its nice being girls sometimes

Macabreday said...

yea penny, laugh at me... :)


Just to clarify a point:



was becoz ur forgot our 'date's altogether.. how many dinners.. how many brekfasts & coffees.. how many wines & screwdrivers & rum & coke.. how many dates.. and you forgot the one - The V-Day one?


Anonymous said...

That's it! That list looks very small to me... what about that young lady on the two-wheeler who asked you for directions? I remember a sweet post you made about her :)

Everyman said...

@Appu - For me they were all dates partner :-)) How can i forget all those times?? The sundays esp?? Me goin to make up for this memory lapse when we meet next..

@Seems- Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have u been? Thought u'd disappeared altogether from ur 'where am i' state!!

As for the young lady, i am very sure she said sthin abt bein married.. and it wasnt a sweet post..it was more of a 'taken aback' post!!

Nandhu said...

u forgot miss fat thighs from german class dude. why?

3inone said...

:-) Yes shain, and how about natasha the air hostess?

Everyman said...

@ Nandhu & 3inone AND others who are going to drop names : If I included the names of women who've had me distracted and caused flutters in my weak heart then I would be writing forever :-DD

Point noted, there are these two and plenty more..but the list contains those women who've had me more than jst distracted

claytonia vices said...

"imagine if a balloon looked like what a heart really looked like..Yeuck!"

Now, that sounds like a good theme for a nice shocker of a hollywood psycho movie! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey as usual you take a long time to post the next one. Well, I am back for a little while at least. On a break from work.
Once I start work again, the blog may take a backseat. But for now I am beginning to fill ink in my pen.

The Sullen Comic said...

Hey, I thought i told u abt my "mishap" on valentine's day!! THE SAME OL STORY... AVALU PARANJU PAETTILLYA ENNU !!
phull pheelings aayi!!

Anonymous said...

Good that you atleast remembered all your dates/liked tobe dates after these many years.

Irrespective of the shape of heart, the imagination of heart shape and colour makes us feel good. Hence the sending & recieving of gifts. Valentine's day is just a reason to have the pleasure, as going for a movie only on weekend

Keep Loving,