Monday, February 26, 2007

Fingers of God?

I have been doing some shooting around in Riyadh lately, and have got a few snaps to show for my efforts. At the risk of sounding vain, here is one that I especially like. It's magical the way the sun rays find their way through the cloud and shine through..A writer in Readers Digest once called this phenomenon the "fingers of God". I wouldn't know about that, but it seems a little preposterous to ascribe such beauty to just a cosmic explosion that took place eons ago..

Other news
It's been a time for milestones- Mac's World turned one, and it's been a year or so since Phoenix arose from the ashes. And I have a milestone of sorts too. Everyman's Diary has now become a 100 posts old. Of course if you count the first version of Everyman's Diary it would amount to much more than 100, but that's ok. Sometimes I think that taking almost 3 years for just a 100 posts is too long, but then i just dont have enough of spunk in me to blog more frequently than once a fortnight or so. I am not going to turn all senti here, but there is one person without whom, this blog would have taken a longer time in coming. My princess set up this blog for me, when I once complained of rediff causing me one headache too many. She doesnt blog too much nowadays, but she's my patron saint. Thank you princess!! And of course, thanks for droppin by once too often :-)


Macabreday said...

yaaaayy shine... another milestone :) great going...and what a way to keep in touch..and please do post more snaps....i always had an interest it photography, but never really had good equipment.

3inone said...

Not vain at all, Shain. I's an inspiring picture.
Congratulations on your milestone.

Riaan Roving said...

Dont care how many posts you put up in the 3 yrs so long as we get to see shots like that!!!!

Everyman said...

@All of you - Am glad you liked the snap, but I just had to point and click (Yes, I am quite modest, I am :-D)Credit goes to the Builder.

@Mac- I dont have good equipment either..hell, i dont KNOW what good equipment would mean..I saw, I liked, I pointed, and I clicked!

@3inone- It sure is an inspiring shot, wonder what a suitable caption would hv been

@Riaan - But surely, 100 posts must mean something!

Nandhu said...

so u are three. that reminds me to count my posts. have i crossed one hundred as well.? heck i dont know, lemme check. meanwhile keep blogging.

Everyman said...

Nandhu..u dont have to really count..ur dashboard will tell u :-D and i sure will keep bloggin..nothin much else to keep me goin here!

Dex said...

Hey... your blog is now a hundred posts old? Congratulations... and make sure it lives to be a thousand ;)

Nandhu said...

i am 179 posts old shain. that's a wow! thanks for telling me where to look. i have been so blind.


I am post 50!! :-))) You are twice my postage :-)

3inone said...

Though gathering clouds threaten a squall
Into each life some light must fall
P.S. I'm helpless at rhyme and captions:-)

Unknown said...

Thats great ! congrats !
Beautiful snap.

many more centuries to come your way !

apps .... for you too ...

... said...


... said...

had so much trouble with leaving a comment!! everything i wrote was lost! :(

lets give this another shot...

...stopped by after our yahoo chat. was happy that i did when i saw the snap - would have hated missing it... and the text that goes with it.

then read on... don't know what to say. other than thank you.
very, very, few people have managed to make me feel special ... and you seem to manage it effortlessly.
the fact that you remembered and thought to mention me, means a lot.

and yup, will start bloggin soon.

Grey Shades said...

You didnt get that title from a very old readers digest story, now did you? Hows life there dude! How have you been?

Sumo said...

Hey, I know this comes rather late in the day, but I must say this. That is an awesome snap!!! Couldnt be better.

Glad to hear that Princess will resume blogging soon.

Anonymous said...

late comment i guess..congrats on the century !lmay lots more centuries happen here.consider myself lucky to have spotted ur blog ! i ve been around- not very frequent-as i'd told u i've moved to dbx-work,home n "traffic" takes my whole time.But never too busy to miss any of ur posts!!!

Me said...

Congratulations on achieving the 100 post milestone!!!

CuppajavaMattiz said...

Congrats on the century :)

The Penny Lane said...

its been fun reading you

Keep blogging! :)

Sriram said...

hey that "fingers of God" is wat is known as Tyndall effect... light passing thru a colloidal solution(air, here)

In a better way, awesome pic!