Over the past few days, I have been feeling increasingly powerless. I do agree that I am just a speck of sand in the otherwise slightly larger scheme of things, but that does not do wonders for my confidence. Things that might have been now never will..or that’s how some of them seem.
For one, I’ve been trying, and very unsuccessfully at that, to wake up at 6 AM. Now if you are one of those who’ve been with me for a while now, this would not be news for you – that I’ve been trying. Sadly for me, it still remains in the ‘trying’ stage. I’ve not yet got around to successfully doing it. Today my alarm was set for 6 AM. I woke up at every 15 minute interval. I finally left my magnetic bed at 7 05 AM. My bed is no king sized bed. It is just a thin mattress on the floor. I can understand wanting to stay in bed if there is a good enough reason* But I find myself extending my bedtime for no good reason at all! What’s worse is that unless I wake up early enough, I can’t go jogging..that brings me to grouse number two : I haven’t been going jogging for about a year now. Forget jogging, I have not been doing pretty much exercise except for typing! And those muscles don’t count for much when it comes to physical fitness. Grouse number three: Smoking. Will not comment on this subject any further.
It’s not that I have lost all hope of salvation. May be there are some things in life that are not meant to be. But in their place, other things are. And then there are things which can be, but you’ve got to keep trying. You might fail just about every time you try but hey, you got to keep trying. What else have you got to do otherwise?
Tonight, I am going to set my alarm for 5.45 AM. Let’s see…It’s not a perfect Universe, that I agree. But then, neither am I. Nor are any of you for that matter. Lol!
Ciao people!
*Good enough reason =) Read “particularly tempting circumstances” ..this can be highly subjective and can vary person to person: From, for instance, an extra body in the same bed, to an extra pillow.
In other news:
Turned 27 some time late in Feb. Got some gifts for a change..hehe..Bought a handful of books..still to even start reading some of them. The TV is still a major temptation ( when your life comes to a stage where TV becomes a 'temptation', you know that something's really not right!). The threat of bird flu is still looming large in this part of the country..so my diet has been pretty vegetarian. And yes, almost ran over a dodo of a woman who was crossing the road. No, I was not jogging.
PS: A small request people..please comment at Blogger itself..Haloscan, the place where u've been commenting all this while, has this annoying habit of swallowing up your old comments...don't want to lose any of them from now on..
Like your blog. Visited through Seema's :)
Hi pulse..thanks for dropping by! And you liked this place???!!HONEST??!!! Aww gee!!
shain... maybe the universe is conspiring to make you n ur bed magnetically entangled & sending some message... :D :D
"am reminded of the days in winter (wet summer would be a more apt description for kerala)when the little finger goes out of the blanket that you are mummified in, surveys the external climate & decides that tomorrow's a better day to start your resolution to exercise..."
grouse no: 2 & 3 (especially 3) will be tended to shortly.... watch out buddy !!!
With what i've heard about Tvm, i'm not surprised abt the addiction to TV! :)
Hey Shainu.....Someone's being naughty!!!! Wink...Wink!!!! Cool place u have here...never knew abt it!!! The blog rocks, dude. Keep it up.
Hey, so did the alarm thingy succeed?
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