Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Check - Mate

Here I was, for wont of a theme, and Rapunzel tagged me! I have been asked to perform a most painful task people. She asks me to list down 8 qualities that I would want in my perfect lover. That should not be a hard task you'd say. But then, you take a look at the number 8 and you think again. Just 8????What is this??? Some kinda game????????!! After all, a guy has needs!! ( errm..and so do women!) So here I have been, staring into vacant space ever since Rapz tagged me, thinking about how on earth would I shortlist 8! I wouldnt have been able to shortlist 80! And here goes:
(i've forgotten something..ah yes!) I am also supposed to declare the gender of my perfect lover so that comes next :


And now that we have that cleared, here is my 8 point wishlist for Her (in random order :-D):

1) Should be ...(boy! this is difficult!)...AWRIGHT! SHE SHOULD BE GOODLOOKING!!! that wasn't so hard.

2) Should be unmarried ( inspite of all the added qualifications that married women seem to have, I will have to pass them over).
3) Should have plenty of money.
4) Should be willing to spend it on me.
5) Should have a place of her own.
6) SHOULD have a sense of humour.
7) Should be (as of now) between 24-27.
8) Last but not the least.....should have a smile worth living for.

There's the took a little bit of effort though..but its done..Wait a minute!! Is lover = future life partner??????!!!

This calls for some cut, copy and paste…or may be just a few modifications…

1) stays the same..especially when you’re talking about someone you are going to wake up next to for the rest of your life!
2) Should be able to cook what I can eat, and, equally importantly, should be able to eat what I CAN cook ( as of now, noodles)
3) Should be the only daughter..we don’t want petty squabbles over who gets what now, do we?
4) Should fulfill conditions 6, 7 and 8 from the list above (pretty smart move huh?).
5) Should be a good singer.
6) Should know to play the guitar (something I will never be able to achieve!)
7) Should be very accommodating (of me!).
8) Should be head over heels in love with me.

Ok. Now, I really AM done. That was the checklist for an ideal lover/life partner. But hey, my life has been far from ideal and I don’t really want it to be ideal either…so, as long as the gender criteria is met ( refer to the two BIG, BOLD words above list no. 1 ) , and conditions 1 and 8 from list no. 2 are fulfilled, I would be a reasonably happy man.

It would be good though if Nos. 2 and 3, then perhaps 4, and possibly 5 with 6 to go along…hell…here I go again…

Am supposed to tag 8 other unfortunate souls here goes..i donno if I have eight though..Arjun, Aparna, Seema, Claytonia, The Reprobate, Dreamz...i guess i've run out of regular readers who blog! so whoever comes by here, feel free to put ur wishlist down in my comments box..( I promise to keep an eye out..)



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