Mac tagged me. Of all the things he could have tagged me on, it had to be on 6 Weird Things About Me. I thought it would be hard. Thought I wasnt that weird a guy. Turns out I am..but then again, that would depend on what you think qualifies as weird..This is my they they always say, in random order (wonder what random order means!)
1) I hate food that just sort of powders in your mouth. Not all at once like biscuits do, but in some viscous way..things like liver, the yolk of the boiled tastes so..GAWD..sick!
2) I am obsessed with what people will feel like when they die. Its not that I think about this all the time, but yes, at times I do think about how my body would feel if it ‘died’ in a certain how would my head feel if it got run over.(I am sure you get the point by now).. this one is morbid..i know..
3) I feel very uncomfortable when I sleep over at someone else’s place..I need to sleep in my own bed ( own mattress really, considering neither I nor any of my friends at whose place I have slept have a ‘bed’*)
4) I am absolutely comfortable with silence. Period.
5) I am very easily impressed by most women. They just have to smile at me and there I go!
6) I don’t know how to describe this one – I spend close to two hours at a bookshop just browsing through the shelves and bracing myself against giving into temptation and buying a book. Just as I am about to leave, I walk briskly to a book that I had set my eyes on, and grab it off a shelf. I act the same whether I am at a music store, a garment store, a supermarket..hell..almost anywhere I am window shopping. What would you call this?
I would be failing in my sacred duty as a blogger if I didnt pass on this curse to another 6. And the six lucky ones are :
1) Aparna
2) Arjun ( u better post something's been a while..)
3) Reprobate ( he sure can come up with 60)
4) Sumo
5) Vikki
6) Whoever wants to take it up!!!!
Should be interesting you helps u to..what is it that they say..yea..'discover yourself'!
lol...i liked ur number 6... reminds me of the way i act in a music store... and ONLY a music
60 is tooooo little muh man.....gimme 6000
Actually, I am not quite comfy blogging abt my shortcomings....but a tag's a tag!!! Will try to put up something in a couple of days' time.
I shd b able to come up with something..
You've left out quite a lot of wierd stuff abt u, but u were asked only for 6 rite.. :D All good & true, but, wierd??? am not sure abt that..
None of the peculair characteristics seemed weird to me. Except for the GUI thing melting in the mouth. Why, liver is my favorite, and egg yolk melting in the mouth is a pleasure that I just cannot resist not to mention ice-cream melting sloooowly in the mouth. Not liking that - thats what I call really weird.
Interesting - the egg yolk/ liver thing is a bit yucky, I agree. Have been running out of ideas for a fresh post - this tag doesn't sound like a bad way to start. ;)
@Mac - Lucky for u buddy! I almost bought vcd's from food world the other day! Imagine that!!
@Reprobate - 6000 would hv been too long a post i i thought i'd stop at 60..
@ Sumo - A 'weirdity' is NOT a shortcoming!!! it's just weird..:))
@ Appu- Now WHAT did i leave out???? u cd mail me in person u know..
@Matt - u love the yolk and liver????Euuuughh!!!!! And it doesnt powders..and then it sticks to your teeth..and EUUUUGHHHHHHH!!!
@Arjun - Well then Arjun, start blogging!! Last time that I came around there, you were still on that couch!!!
wokay! :-)
hahohahahaha Shain,
No: 6 is just too funny.
Imagine if you had a reverse swayamvara!!!
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