I have fallen in love. This entry was not meant to be about her. I was going to write about something else. But then I visited Phoenix's blog, and whatever was, no longer was. My mind has been usurped by Ziyi Zhang. I don't even know how to pronounce her name right, but I am sure that it sounds as lovely as she does. I don't know what is it in this snap that has me stuck on her. Those small oriental eyes, those high cheekbones, that silky black hair, those kissable lips, or is it the combined efforts of all of these and perhaps something above and beyond. She looks a little elfish here, with that ear looking pointed and jutting out.
This is, in all probability, nothing more than a fleeting few moments of hopeless schoolboyish infatuation. But heck, I thought that this deserved recording - that today, at 10 AM thereabouts, Shain's world stood still.
her name is ziyi zhang(in the occidental way). zhiyi is her name,zhang is surname......
dude .she will kick ur(or for that matter OUR collective aR#e# ... she is good in the martial arts..actually from the part of the world she is.... everybody is a black belt ;) )she will jump off rooftops, fly thru windows, jump across tree branches and hunt u down...
but she is CUTE.point taken
why the hell dont u tag me on topics such as these??..
@Reprobate-she can jump off rooftops, fly thru windows, jump across tree branches and hunt me down anytime... I am game!
Well..if u want to be tagged..then you are it! This could be your next post..but NO ZIYI ZHANG!
The college crush emerges eh? ;) She is pretty though!
Bro , She is Good
But have u seen Scarlett Johanson !!!!
She sure is something
@GS - She would've been a college crush if I were still in college.
I carshed into her just yesterday..*sigh*
@Bro-i think i will be seeing orange for some days yet bro..Scarlet and all the other colors of the spectrum can wait :-D
no wonder the pic looked familiar..she is that actess in that movie!!!! :D
So, can we add this to your list -"she can jump off rooftops, fly thru windows, jump across tree branches and hunt me down anytime"
Aww....Shainu's down!!! Chooo Chweet!!!! :-D
@ Aparna - U make her sound like some bird of prey! Well..if it's her I am still game- as of now :-D
@ Sumo - Yup..I'm down! Down and out!
Hey Shainu....busy nowadays???
i searched high and low for the pic. and then, u go and take all the credit....how unfair...
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