Sunday, September 12, 2004

Close Encounters Of the Worst Kind

NEVER EVER AGAIN will i think that i dont give my backside a better view than the royal blue of my comfy chair (that too it gets only for those precious few seconds till everything turns dark for my rear!) The past 3 days have been so very hectic and demanding that my chair seems to be heaven on earth for me! And to think that only a few days back i was wondering whether i ever do much work (Refer to 'Getting Worked Up Over Nothin At All' dated 25/08). The past 3 days have made up for all my misgivings. I am convinced. I DO work!

I remember writing about what happened once when i tried to call a big shot in my company over the phone! If calling over the phone is a frustrating enough experience, then you should try coming face to face with them. I had the misfortune of meeting that gentleman and one more as-big-as they come-shot. And two such experiences later, I still dont think i have the required Bofors to meet members of the same species.

Take the case of the gentleman I met today. He had come from one of the more 'happening' branches of our company, and I had to coordinate his program in my branch. AWright, it was like one of them PR jobs..(coordinate sounds like something verry important)..I had to introduce the gentleman to the rest of the posse. And I did as much a decent job as i could given that i had spoken to that gentle soul for just about a 5 minutes drive till we reached the venue. After my introduction, the gentleman just had to point out all the chinks in my introduction. Oh no he just could not help making a few gentle but cruel, light hearted but mocking remarks about how i got this fact wrong by about 5% and that by 10%. "All the same, we can't blame __________, he did what he had to" And people, his smile was enough to remind you of the way you smile with relish after gnawing through a piece of chicken leg. I also had to introduce the first bigshot on the previous occasion. And i introduced him by his full name. After my job was done, the first thing he said was that he was called merely ABC (initials changed to protect MY ass and not HIS) and that nobody 'who really knows me introduces me by my full name!' I am glad coz i didn’t 'really know' him. Don't want to either.

And some of these gentlemen find it so hard to smile!! Those lips don't ever curl up to the slightest degree. The only thing those things know to do is how to smirk! And GAWD they crib. 'Why is this like this?' "This never was done this way. It should be done like this' 'If any of you have a problem, then shoot me a mail. I will see that action is taken!' They crib and they crib. Now i think that i never ever cribbed in my life. I am the bestest and kindestest person ever to walk in my world!! ('my world' coz you my reader, are kinder still to read this). I wonder if such 'important' men and women ever let their guard down. It's not as though they are Alsatians or Great Danes who ought to do nothing but bark! And even Rocky, Tiger and Bruno and Spike find time to wag tails and go sniffing behind you-know-what's of dogs of the fairer sex but imagine top honchos doing the same! YOW! Now that's bringing a smile to my weary face!But i guess its too dangerous for such people as important as they are. Look at what happened to Bill ol' boy the last time he tried to be human. America almost crucified the lover boy. The woman was luckier though. Boy I am glad to be just Everyman. You should be too..Cheerio!!

1 comment:

... said...

well written!!!

but it isn't true that women have it easier!!! :P