Saturday, May 17, 2008

Life is Cruel..

You buy a new charger, an original mind you. You buy it not because your previous charger died of old age. It would have been ok if that was indeed the case. But no, it died a premature death at the hands of your ignorance. And so you buy a new charger. Life goes on as usual-but only for a few days. For a few days later you take your charger to office. You had forgotten to charge it at home. That day is a Friday. Things are crazy at work. You don’t even get time to remember whether at all you charged your mobile phone at office like you thought you would. Your cousin from Bangalore and a bottle of whiskey come home that evening. You talk late into the night. The next day goes by like the wind. It’s a weekend after all..they always go by fast. It’s not until late night on Saturday that you realize that your phone is dying out. You look for your charger. Your casual look becomes an earnest search. Your earnest search becomes a desperate hunt. The hunt takes all of Sunday. But to no avail. The charger is nowhere to be found in your small home. You figure that you left it at office. But Monday brings no cheer either. Neither from office nor from home. You wait out Tuesday and Wednesday, hoping that your charger will somehow magically appear from wherever it is hiding. It does no such thing. On Thursday, with a slightly heavy heart, you head to the showroom and get a ANOTHER new charger. Life after all has to go on. And so it does.

Only for a day though…

On Friday afternoon, as you plod your way through an irritatingly long day at work, your wife calls you.

“I’ve got some bad news dear” she says. You wonder what could be worse than a long Friday. She tells you of an unexpected discovery at home – tucked away in the deep recesses of your cupboard in your bedroom, comfortably but obscurely nestled in your boxer shorts – your lost mobile charger.

You now have the luxury of two new authentic Sony Ericcson chargers. Life can be so cruel at times J



prachetash said...

Life is indeed cruel, Shainu...
But, I like the way C called you up and broke the news... :)

Sometimes too much can also be a pain, I guess, eh?

but cheer up, it's not a loss, it's an arrival, perhaps a little more then what you had asked for but nevertheless!!

Everyman said...

Roro...yes..too much is not too good..and things u've bidden goodbye to should NOT come back :-D

Pointblank said...

hey... that was a nice post. Just the way I like it - simple n sweet :)

But yeah, havimg two chargers can be nice. Now u can actually afford to lose one, and still not be left charger-less.

And then, m an absent minded freak. I waste half my life hunting down stuff :(

Anonymous said...

What was your charger doing nestled in your boxer shorts?

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyman, Whenever I pack up for a short trip the last thing in my mind is to pack the charger too. So whereever I land, my first shopping spree is for a mobile charger. Mind you, I have quite a big collection of Nokia chargers by now ... LOL. :-)

Everyman said...

@pointblank - It is good when we can keep things short and sweet, isnt it :-D. And yes, I can now afford to lose one..but I wouldnt want to go through the agony again!!

@Puzzled - Errmm..U got me there :)

@Mattiz - Atleast its the last thing on your mind :-) land up at the place and THEN i pray that my ID and charger are with me..

Pointblank said...

Thanks for dropping by my space n leaving the comment THRICE!!! Lol! Wonder what happened!

Everyman said...

@Pointblank - Thanks for lettin me know..Correction made :-) I donno what happened either!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. But look at the brighter side... you won't be running out of sony ericsson chargers anytime soon :)

claytonia vices said...

I can imagine you walking around with a mobile charger in ur boxers and people giving u looks and you wondering why... ;)

hrishib said...

whats cruel is that its the most inane of things that sap your patience. Hope all is well man...

claytonia vices said...

Don't get all charged up Shain! ;)
Just couldn't resist saying that!!