Man has been plagued by dilemmas throughout his troublesome stay on this planet. Before you scream "CHAUVINIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", let me add, so has woman. Okkie, so perhaps Adam didn't think twice before he ate the apple. Eve perhaps had a very..err..umm...convincing sales pitch. But Eve took a long time getting convinced by the master vendor of dreams Lucifer.. And as the planet hurtled along its orbit throughout the ages, different people were doubtless faced with different dilemmas.
1)Abraham had a terrible time figuring out whether or not to sacrifice his only son to God.
2)Socrates had his dilemma of whether to continue shooting his mouth of and get a cup of hemloc down it or whether to shut it up and live longer.
3)Then of course you had Hamlet famously (and to the agony of megazillions of literature students worldwide later in history) wondering whether to be or not 4)The Indian cricket team captain often has the dilemma of whether to lose or to lose.
5)The dog on the street can't choose between the smooth and firm telephone pole on the street and the warm and round tyre of the Toyota..
Hell..everyone has dilemma's. I've had so many that I never counted. The trivial ones are usually the ones that I have over what to order for food. Coimbatore offers you such a mind-boggling variety of dosas that even if you hear the names rolling down the waiter's tongue on a daily basis, you would still think it over : "Now do I go for the plain roast, the tomato roast, or the ghee roast, or the masala roast, or.." And at the end of it all I usually order the same old stuff..a dosa..
Then there was the more worth pondering over question when I was in college: should I be telling her or do I remain 'just a friend'. Spent the better part of two years over that one..I told her anyway..What followed didn't last as long..
Shopping, especially for others, has me in three minds too..It's not as bad when I am shopping for myself. When it comes to the latter, the hard part is when you mull over whether to buy anything or not. Once I've decided to buy, I usually know what exactly it is I want to buy. But when it's another I buy for, I am clueless. I have to look at the object of my dilemma's affection from every possible angle...quite literally..then I walk away from it, walk back to it, head towards the exit, then my feet change their minds, and walk back..its a complicated process!
Ever wondered..after having decided on what to do..and then it doesn't exactly go your way.."what if?" ?
After all..what if Eve had decided NOT to take the apple? ( would have truly been bliss..imagine the possibilities)
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