Friday, July 08, 2005


I was not going to blog anytime soon (blame it on work!!) but this i just had to write..I AM FAMOUS!!! You don't believe me? Suit yourself then!Hrumph! (Just in case you do believe me, read on)
Well..there I I (baah!)..there I was in my office after a rather insipid and parliamentarian lunch of two dry chappathis and gravy that passed for some kind of vegetable stew..I felt rather in a good mood (dont ask me why..I don't know )and so I gave myself an ego boost**

In fact, it was my blog which got the ego boost. I googled for everyman's diary and this was one of the results which came up.

It looked odd to me so I thought I'd investigate it..The page was about backaches or somthing of that sort. Under Resource listings on that very page, I saw my words immortalized!! They had listed my blog!! Not this one, but the one that I have (it's still there..ignored,unused, unblogged) on rediff. My blog had actually been quoted!!

Dilemma: If you have clicked on that link, tell me this: do I laugh or cry?

On a more everyday note, life is just going fine people..and one more bit of good news:

I have quit smoking!!! Into my 8th day as a non-smoker now!! And this time, it will go beyond 30 days!!

** "How do you do that?", you ask? Well, it's quite simple, just google for your name and exult over the number of results you get..don't go too much into what exactly the links are may be disappointed

1 comment:

Everyman said...

Just testing!! That's all!!