Monday, October 11, 2004

Dr. Moreau's Island ka Baap


I don't know how much longer I can keep typing now..I maybe cut off at any moment...Every now and then I look around to see if the lights are still on..'coz this place has absolutely mercurial notions about power...the power can go out at any time..

For professional reasons, I have to be secretive about my present whereabouts..but I feel that you would rather not know the name of the place I am in..It's not that it is the last place God made (that would have to be the Parliament of India!!), but it does have numerous oddities to its discredit….Here I go…

Numero Uno..the college is a coeducational institution..(For those of you who don’t understand, read-boys and girls ‘study’ together). So WHAT is wrong with THAT you would ask. Let me tell you that I have always been an ardent well-wisher of coeducation.. Nothing is more joyful to my eye than to see two star-crossed or rather star-struck people, preferably of the opposite sex, ‘studying’ together. They would be so well able to fulfill each other’s academic needs!! But that is simply not possible see, the poor lads and lasses are not allowed to talk here!!!!!!! DIG THAT!

I am not uttering inanities reader..this IS the state of affairs in this concrete jungle..but that’s not on…

Like I said earlier, I had seen huge grey figures looming over me that night..they are all buildings. I chanced to see them in a better light at daytime. All these structures and not one of them is complete..and it’s not just buildings, even the roads, courts, the name it, it’s incomplete..It almost looks like our great patron thought of building something at spot marked X, started building it, and then saw spot Y and thought of building something there too…so he stopped whatever it was that he was building and then started building something new..the main gates of the college towering twin arches are incomplete; the road leading to the main building of the college has two lanes one of which starts off as concrete becomes gravel and then becomes a poor excuse for a grassland..staircases in buildings are half baked. And to add insult to injury, the steps are somewhere in between one and none. It’s too small a step to be called one, at the same time, you have to climb. And if you climb one step a time, you stand the risk of toddling around like a bungling one-year old learning to walk..

I should not go on laying on layer after layer of insult to this place. For a change, let me tell you what’s good about this place…
Hmm..uhhhh..let’s see..Yes- You’s like..uhhh..hmmm…basically, this place is…actually…you know…AWRIGHT AWWWWRIGHT!!! I can’t think of anything as yet…But I am not one to give up easily.. that’s not me..just wait for a few years and I will definitely come up with something..

Guess I have done my share of good deeds for the day..This should be where I lay down my blood-stained pen which has wounded the pride of this hole that I am in..

I live to fight another day..

Don’t miss ‘The Amazing Adventures of Everyman’!!!!

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