It has been hereby brought to my, hereafter known as the first party, that you, hereafter to be known as the second party, may perchance be under considerable mental agony and stress in seeing an appendage to the title of this here web log. The first party has cause to believe that his original web log, also entitled Everyman's Diary, and which is situated in the vast web pages of, has been ab initio unlawfully deprived and divested of it's lawfully entitled share of Internet traffic from the day the duplicate Web log was created. The same was brought to the notice of the Ombudsman at Everyman's Court of Cybersuits. The first party has therefore been directed by the Ombudsman to ensure that the title, which is copyright, is not duplicated by another , notwithstanding the actual veritable fact that the proponent of the later weblog is the same as that of the first. The first party has also been instructed to ensure that commensurate steps are taken towards assuring that the second party(or parties as the case may be), rare though they may be, are directed to the aggrieved Web Log. In order to facilitate the movement of the second party, lest it may be ignorant of the existence of the Original, the first party is hereby notified to modify the title of this here web log so that the second party is not coerced into believing that the same is the sole web log of the first party. The first party is also directed to inform the second party that any web log entry would be made on an alternative basis. Thus, the first party is to ensure that the prototype web log is not deprived of its livelihood- the articles of the first party. If, in spite of this, the first party fails to ensure that the second party is not made aware of the existence of a prototype, then he should kick himself in the arse for starting a new one while one was just fine. He is advised to continue writing in both prototype and twin, equally devoting his attentions to both, so that the sacred duty of a blogger is not tarnished and brought into disrepute.
PS:Any appeal made against this mandate will be under the jurisdiction of Everyman's Ombudsman and will not be heard in any other court or similar institution thereof.
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