This took a while, didn't it. Around three years to be precise. Well, not really precise. But three years would be just about right. And as you would have it, a whole lot has happened while I have been away. For starters, I am now in the USA. Yeah, who would have thought it, Everyman in the USA. And yeah, USA as in United States of America.
It's easy to see why the US is considered the Promised Land for such a lot of us (except those who are not in the US I guess :-) ) Life is convenient here, if you have sufficient money. Lots of space, noiseless roads, much cleaner air, faster internet speed, no power cuts, and almost everything that money can buy. That's why, that part about sufficient money is important. There are poor people here too. And if you go to the city, you can see a few beggars as well. Only, they look much smarter, and they speak with a lot of polish. If you are new, like I was around a year back, it would take you a couple of moments to actually realize that they are asking you to part with your hard-earned pennies. The city has a lot of other sights as well, and those are blogs for another day. I do hope that I am able to write one blog every day now from now on. I just made that resolution right here, right now. As I was typing. I am still grappling with that resolution, and I would like to see this through. You see, I attended this 2 day workshop a couple of weeks back - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (If you were a reader of my blogs before, then you would want to read The Twerp Who Bought The Ferrari. I still hold those views, but this workshop was actually useful.) And one of the things I realized through this workshop was that writing was important to me.
Writing is something that gives me a lot of satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment. Granted, this isn't technically writing. That would have required me to be using a pen. I wonder if a lot of us do that any more. Still, let us continue to call this writing. Not many of us may read blogs anymore, and certainly none of us might read Everyman's Diary anymore. Still let me write. There is also a BIG part of me that wants to be read and to be followed, and that isn't possible without me writing in the first place. I have been writing a little on and off - all of it on my company's internal enterprise network. There are a lot of good writers there. And just the other day, there was a blogpost that ended up raking in comments about who the inspiring writers were, and who people liked to read. My name didn't figure in any of them comments :-) Ouch. Truth be said, I am nowhere as regular a writer as a lot of those who were mentioned. So it isn't realistic for me to just wish upon a star and hope someone mentioned my name as well for the odd blog that I put up there. So this is a start from that perspective as well.
This was rusty, and is not a particularly enticing piece of writing. Neither may I write anything worth reading anytime soon. But here's a start.